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Hobnob: Young Professionals Event

Rotary District 5030

FareStart - 700 Virginia St, Seattle, WA 98101, United States

Online Sale Ended


As someone who has championed fresh ideas and encouraged membership growth in younger generations, you are invited to join other influential Rotarians under 45 years of age from across the district. At this inaugural event, we will mingle, network, and set the stage for a Rotary we can enjoy together for years to come. You'll enjoy a delicious meal including salad, entrée, and dessert by the expert chefs at FareStart. Complimentary beer and wine will be provided.

Significant others welcome, and if there is a Rotarian who was supported or advocated for young professionals in your club, please share this invitation with them. RSVP required. Seating is limited.


  • Are our Sweethearts invited? Yes indeed!
  • Are children welcome? Alas, HobNob is not designed with children in mind, but if there is energy for it future events will be.
    Who all was invited to HobNob? We culled our invitation list from DACdb using available data on birthdate and e-mail addresses. We identified ~250 young professionals, but we know there are more. That is why we are hoping you will help us get the word out.
    How can I help promote HobNob? Forward this e-mail to your favorite Rotarians aged 45 and younger. View the Facebook event and mark that you are attending then invite your favorite Rotarians aged 45 and younger.
    Will the “45 years of age and younger" criteria be strictly enforced? Goodness, no! If there is someone who strongly identifies as a Young Professional or “YP", they are in!
    Will any established/tenured/longtime Rotarians be invited to HobNob? Yes! If there is a Rotarian who has strongly advocated for you or YP's in general please extend a personal invitation to them.
    I am an established/tenured/longtime Rotarian, how can I support the YP Committee? Encourage all of your favorite YP's to attend HobNob.
    How many people can attend HobNob? Capacity for this intimate dinner party is 50, but if the response is overwhelmingly enthusiastic we may be able in increase it.
    How can I get involved with the YP Committee? Soon after HobNob the YP Committee will send out a survey to determine what kinds of activities would be popular and who has energy to help organize them.


700 Virginia St, Seattle, WA 98101, United States (Get Directions)